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Georgia Renee

See up to date Electronic Press Kit for Full Bio, links to music and up coming releases

RADIO KULTURA INTERVIEW from Basque Country Radio: October 26th 2022:  Listen Here


Georgia Renee grew up in Melbourne with her family, Mum, Dad and older sister and younger brother. They spent many summers and holidays camping along the coast with friends and family. Georgias father had a big appreciation for Music, so many of Georgias earliest experiences with Music are from her fathers CD and Music DVD collections which included a mix of international and Aussie classic rock albums- such as Elvis, The Eagles, Neil Diamond, Paul Kelly and more. Long road trips to holiday destinations such as Pambula (NSW), included CD’s like Matchbox 20 and if the kids had a say, the latest So Fresh albums.


Georgia was first truly inspired musically when she was 9 years old, when she came across the Innocent Eyes album by Australian singer-songwriter Delta Goodrem. It was after countless listenings to this CD in her home that she asked her mum if she could learn to play the piano. Georgia learned piano for over 10 years. It wasn’t until Georgia began singing lessons as a teenager and then singing in high school bands and gigging, that her parents (and herself) came to realise that Georgia’s future would encompass Music.


Georgia graduated from high school and went straight into university at RMIT in 2014, studying a Bachelor of Arts Music Industry. Georgia was performing regularly and immersing herself in the industry during her studies and it was during this period that she began to notice problems in her voice. It has been an ongoing journey to healing her voice through seeing speech pathologists, ENT’s and vocal specialists as well as personal healing and self-care practices.


It was through these vocal challenges that Georgia began to question her career in the Music Industry which was a very emotional time- as is when someone realises that who they though they were was perhaps not who they were meant to become. As well as when one becomes so attached to their identity as a XYZ (in this case a musician) that it can feel like the world is crumbling down when things are not working out the way initially imagined.


This period was a blessing in disguise as it lead Georgia to discovering Music Therapy. Georgia began to volunteer her musical skills in an adult disability centre in Melbourne, which is where she really began to sense that her purpose was in helping others get in touch with their true self, process and move through their feelings and see their potential in a creative and fun way.


Georgia auditioned for a place in one of the two Universities offering a Masters in Music Therapy in Australia. She was successful and began her journey to becoming a Music Therapist in 2018 at the University of Melbourne, which saw her conduct placements across different settings including the Royal Children’s Hospital, Peter Macculum Cancer Centre, St John of God Accord and The Northern Hospital.


Georgia now has her own Music Therapy business called Bloom and Flow Music Therapy, where she works with participants and their families in their home and delivering Telehealth when she is travelling. For more information on Music Therapy, how to become a Registered Music Therapist or how to find one in your area, visit AMTA website.


Georgia’s other passions include living a low-toxin life as much as possible, through making her own home and body products using pure essential oils and eating a whole foods diet. She is striving towards living a more aligned life, one where there is ease, flow, learning, play and fluidity. She is stripping back the layers on her life, living more minimalistic, living with less but feeling more expansive and content with herself and what she already has. Georgia believes in having daily practices that support her to live more aligned and on purpose, she does this through morning rituals, exploring podcasts, ecstatic dancing, intentional use of music, drinking cacao, diffusing doTERRA essential oils, Zumba, spending time in nature and regular movement.


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